How to Become a Better Public Speaker While Blogging

We’ve found a hidden benefit to creating content with the Shortcut Content method: you transform into a confident public speaker in your area of expertise.

When you are asked to speak about a specific topic in a five-minute period, over time, it makes you a better salesperson, trainer, and, more than likely, much more interesting at a cocktail party! Because you can tell a story in a short amount of time, it makes you a more effective public speaker.

I think one of the cool things about our service is that if you are an expert in your field, all you need is a topic. Our host can say, “tell me about that topic, Dave,” and I can explain it to the listeners in a way that makes sense to them.

When we’re working with a new client, it’s more of a conversation. They need a little more guidance and a few more follow-up questions. But eventually they find their stride and can easily talk about their area of expertise for five minutes without much help.

We’ve watched our customers, over a two to three year period, shift from people who weren’t really sure of themselves and their speaking, into people who can sit down in front of microphone and confidently answer a question for five minutes.

If you can’t bring the expertise to your topic, we probably can’t help you. But if you already are an expert and are looking for ways to get your content out of your head and on to the written page, contact me at I’m happy to have a conversation with you to discuss ways that we can help.