What’s the Difference Between Ghostwriting and Shortcut Content?

GhostwritingvsShortcut Content

Working with a ghostwriter is usually a time consuming and rather intimate affair. You basically have to let them move into your home or office so they can follow you around 24/7. They become your ghost. They’re attempting to get a feel for you and to ultimately gather your stories.

At Shortcut Content, we make it a little easier. We don’t need to get as intimate with you to help you create blogs, podcasts, or even write a book. We know that your stories are all locked up inside your head and we don’t sit around waiting for them to pop out.

We put all of our clients through an exercise that takes less than an hour, including prep. It allows you to brain dump all of the topics that you know you should be writing in the next year. If you’re planning to write a book, this process allows you to produce the complete outline, including chapters and sub-chapters. (Yes – in under an hour!)

Now all we have to do is interview you about each of these topics on Skype. We’ll record four or five of those topics from your outline each month, and produce enough blogs and podcasts for weekly content.

Ghostwriting is a time consuming, intimate, and expensive way to create your content. Shortcut Content solves that problem using just one hour of your time, once a month.