What's the Purpose of Your Blog?

purposeYou probably won’t make money from your blog. But you might make money because of your blog. 

A lot of people think a blog is a sales tool- that they should constantly be talking about how great their products and services are. I think you’re better off using your blog to build your credibility.

Different blogs serve different purposes. Some blogs are only selling a product. But if you’re a small business trying to establish yourself as an authority in your market, what you’re really selling on your blog is your credibility.

By sharing stories about how you’ve solved your customers’ problems, you’re gaining the trust of your readers. And you have more stories and advice to share than you probably think.

If you need help coming up with a list of blog topics, you can use our free brainstorming outline. Folks love it because they often walk away with 50-60 topics in under an hour. It doesn’t cost you a thing and, along with it, you’ll get some other free content to help you on your way to creating a blog that’s valuable to your consumers.