Content Marketing for Distressed Purchases


Marketers need to take into account the mode of purchase when beginning to look at potential marketing strategies. With distressed purchases, the price doesn’t really matter. These are things that we suddenly find ourselves buying that we had not foreseen. For example, you would need a lawyer if you got arrested or a mechanic if your car broke down unexpectedly.

Distressed purchases should be marketed towards the influencers of the final purchase.

Sometimes, no amount of content marketing is going to make a difference unless it is correctly targeted towards the influencer of the final purchase. I recently made a distressed purchase when my car broke down in Las Vegas on a Saturday during a long road trip. Marketing would have had absolutely no influence on my decision of mechanics, since I don’t closely follow which local mechanics in Las Vegas would best suit my needs.

The tow truck driver, however, is the influencer of the final purchase. He knew which mechanic was open and able to fix my car on a Saturday morning. Content marketing tells a story, while the medium could be a blog, YouTube video, or anything else. People in town like tow truck drivers need to know this information.

If I would have been the influencer of the final purchase, I might have done a quick web search for mechanics in Las Vegas. Companies like the mechanic I did business with typically don’t have websites or blogs. If they did, customer satisfaction stories like my own would have been incredibly valuable.

For a DUI attorney, a regular drinker might be aware of their social habits. They might be thinking about the chance of being caught in the back of their mind and already be aware of which attorney they might want. By paying attention to ads on radio and TV, they will know exactly who to call during a distressed purchase.

What if the person arrested for DUI doesn’t call an attorney first, but instead calls a friend or spouse to do research for them? This person would be the key influencer who needs to be targeted. If they were using a search engine to find their answer, the businesses that rank higher in search results will likely get more business.

A DUI attorney that has a blog with good general advice and stories about how they were able to sort things out for their clients would be the clear choice in the decision making process during a distressed purchase.