Use Your Employees for Content Marketing

You hired your employees for a reason – because they’re good at their jobs. Your employees are the people who are out in the field, doing what your company gets paid to do. They may not be developing or researching the product or service, but they are talking to customers and collecting stories.

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They can share stories about how your company has changed the lives of your customers for the better. “How-to” blogs definitely serve their purpose, but I think stories are one of the most convincing ways to build your customer base and deepen relationships.

And I’ve got a story to prove it! We’ve been producing podcasts and blogs for a chiropractor client of ours for several years. When a new patient walks into his office and he introduces himself, often the their reaction is, “I feel like I know you already, because I’ve heard your voice on your website!”

It may not be the only reason they came into the office, but it certainly didn’t hurt. Because he and his employees have been telling stories and creating content over several years, his customers have been able to deepen their trust in him, even before meeting face-to-face.

At Shortcut Content, we’re here to help you and your expert employees tell those stories in the easiest, most efficient way possible.