Why Your Subject Matter Experts Make The Best Bloggers
Many organizations don’t really think about subject matter experts when starting down the road to social media and blogging.
A lot of times the organization ends up hiring someone who doesn’t really know much about the product to contribute to the blog. The person that is hired often times will have to go outside of the business to research, or rely on asking questions to experts inside of the company in order to acquire knowledge of what they have to write about. This causes a problem because usually the experts in small to medium size businesses don’t have the time to answer the questions because they are busy with other obligations.
In order to end up with rich content in a blog, you have to use experts within the organization.
Sometimes in a bigger company, the expert may be a customer service representative, sales associate, or product developer rather than a manager or owner. You want someone who knows the ins and outs of the product or service being offered. The point is that these are the experts that really have hands on experience and knowledge that should be writing the blogs, not some marketing intern or freelance writer from outside of the company.
Consistency of Voice in Blogs
When writing a blog, quality needs to be consistent. Voice plays an important role in contributing to that.
The more, the merrier when it comes to multiple experts contributing content within a blog.
Some experts prefer to share their knowledge by logically explaining their specific product or service in complete detail. While others, go for a more personal approach by showing how their product or service has made a difference in the lives of their customers.
You may have a customer that says, “Does this work for people like me?” On the other hand, you may have a customer that wants to know every little detail before their interest is perked. Everyone has a different point of view, right? Both of these styles are relevant because their customers are going to have different contrasting styles as well.
It’s the best of both worlds if you can combine both methods in order to cater to your diverse customer base. Everyone walks away satisfied.