How Being Interviewed Builds Your Credibility

This podcast audio served as the source for the blog post “Build Credibility by Being Interviewed.

The transcript was rewritten to produce the blog post, which is the cornerstone of the Shortcut Content system.

Shayla: Thanks for joining us today for the Shortcut Content Podcast. I’m talking today with Dave Young, who is the founder of Shortcut Content, and, Dave, tell me how simply being interviewed like I’m doing here today, how does it build credibility for your business or your company?

Dave: Well, if you think about how being interviewed builds credibility, there’s an entire, I wouldn’t call it an industry, but a niche, oh, let’s go ahead and call it an industry, a niche industry in helping you become the person that CNN contacts when some big event happens and they need an expert in the field and you happen to be one of those experts. How do they know you’re the person to contact?

There are entire PR firms that specialize in making sure that news organizations know that you’re the right person for that. Now, why would people clamor to be the one that CNN calls or that one that the local radio station calls, when they are looking for a comment on a news story? Because it adds to your credibility.

When we think about people that are interviewed, and it can be whether they’re interviewed on the news or on any kind of web product, or even in a podcast, people that are interviewed are viewed as experts. CNN isn’t going to call you up and say, “Hey, we want to interview you about forest fires,” if you’re a plumber. But if there’s a plumbing issue or a water issue, you certainly want to be the one that they call.

The point being, experts get interviewed. So that’s why you would want to be interviewed. Now, at Shortcut Content, what we do is we always interview our customers. What we’ve seen happen in the podcasting world is a lot of business owners will start up a podcast, and they’ll shortly run out of topics that they can just launch into and talk about on the fly themselves, and so the thing that they think of to do is to start interviewing other people. What they end up doing is turning the spotlight from themselves and shining it on their guests. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with saying, look, I have an expert on this topic, let’s shine the light on them and see what they have to say about it. But if you set out to be a podcaster or a blogger because you want the spotlight shined on yourself, and you want to increase your own credibility as an expert, then what you need to do is make sure that, instead of interviewing other people, you’re being interviewed yourself. And so that’s what we do every month during our recording sessions with our customers.

Shayla: So if you have any questions about this topic or you would like to start being interviewed by the Shortcut Content hosts, you can find all that information on Thanks, Dave.



Photo Credit: “The Interview” licensed under CC BY-NY-SA 2.0